The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Went to industry '52, worked for year and returned to PSU for further education and taught Mech Engr. Married Ruth Dorsey, class '54, 4 children, 2 of each, girls are twins. All went to PSU. MSME '59 & became Assoc. Prof . ME. '63 went to Cornell on educ. leave, got PhD in '66, came back to PSU as Assoc. Prof. Retired as Prof. Emeritus '87. Consulted on Law Cases for a number of years and my wife and I have been involved both locally and statewide with Sustainable Forestry activity which we practice on a family owned timber farm in Columbia, CO. Currently president of the PA Forest Stewards Steering Committee, a group sponsored by the School of Forestry at PSU that is statewide organization. Still live in State College. |